Saturday, December 2, 2017

What This JO ANN's Friends Blog Is About

A few years ago, I came up with an idea for a book that I wanted to write. The name of the book was JO ANN's FRIENDS. It was going to be stories of how certain people have touched my life and how they shaped me and may have even made me who I am.

Unfortunately, every time I tried to write the book, it just did not come together.  It turned into was one of those projects that I wanted to do, but put off.  Howevever....even though that book has not come together, does not mean I ever stopped thinking about all the friends (and acquaintances) who have touched my life.

I have come to the conclusion that every person I know has made me who I am...this includes new friends and the online friends I have only met through social media too! (I have almost 2500 Facebook "friends" and many of those friends are dear to me!)

When you look at Facebook, it is obvious that every life is what it is because of the people in it.  People don't always believe the same things or think the same way, but common experiences become dear to every heart!


Every life in this world is shaped by one's circle of friends....this blog is only about JO ANN's Circle...but my circle has touched others' circles!  How cool is that?!!

Anyway....I've decided the best way to write the book that I have wanted to write is to just blog about my wonderful circle of friends for now. It may turn into a book never know...

By the way...some of JO ANN's friends have told me that they don't want me to mention their real names, so if you end up sounding like someone I blog about here, just enjoy and you can tell me later if you want me to reveal your real name. Also, no worries, nothing secret or personal will be revealed...only the fun and positive.  I will only use first names here too.

Happy Reading and Enjoy My Stories!


Further Reading:

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